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About us

Editorial Bambú is a young imprint of the publishing house Editorial Casals. Since 2006, we have published modern and classic literary works for readers aged six and up.

The titles which make up our catalogue belong to a wide variety of genres, although they all share one essential common trait: the priority given to literary and publishing quality. For this reason, the selection criteria are no less strict for the artists who create the illustrations which accompany some of our books.

Bambú collections seek to communicate universal values and knowledge, providing culture and wisdom, in addition to contributing to the intellectual and humanistic education of the reader:

  • Early Readers: for readers aged 6 to 9, with colour illustrations;
  • Young Readers: for readers aged 8 to 11, with black and white illustrations;
  • Big Readers: for readers aged 11 to 16;
  • Bambú Experience: poignant experiences lived by children in difficult circumstances, for readers aged 12 and up;
  • Discoverers: adventure stories set in a historical context for readers aged 12 and up;
  • Classics: at Bambú there is also a place for Spanish and Universal classics, with colour illustrations and a booklet containing information about the work, the author and his/her time.
  • Exit: for readers aged 14 and up;

At Editorial Bambú we pay close heed to the words of Miguel de Cervantes: ‘He who reads much and travels much sees and knows a great deal.’ And thus, it is our aim to produce books which will accompany readers over the course of their lives.

And so, with Editorial Bambú the reading continues!


Editorial Casals, SA
Casp, 79, 08013 Barcelona
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