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Home  >  Early Readers  >  The Rebellion of the Letters
Early Readers

49 pages.
Without taxes: 9,52€
Taxes included: 9,90€
Age: 7+
14.5 x 19 cm

The Rebellion of the Letters

Author:  Magela Ronda
Illustrator:  Neus Caamaño

This captivating story delves into the world of letters, where the noble 'A' sounds the alarm, rallying its fellow letters, against a monstrous threat. The venerable 'Z' unveils the creature's sinister appetite: misspellings, misused words, absurd abbreviations, and misplaced accents. Every linguistic misstep summons this monstrous evourer. In a desperate bid for survival, the letters unite, crafting heartfelt appeals to both young and old, pleading for their salvation. Venturing into the realm of meta-literature, the author urges readers to become guardians of language to ensure that the letters continue to dance across the page, inspiring generations to come.

Other titles in the series

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